2022…A new year for FREEDOM. From the Libertarian Party of Maine to the Dinner Table PAC
Jeremy Here. If you know anything about me, you’re probably already aware that I’m pretty against any government intervention or coercion. I live in this great state of Maine and right now, we have a Democrat majority in the house and senate. I am a Libertarian (I’m on the executive committee as an at-large me
mber and I am the IT Director for the state). We have a lot of great things in the works. I am also part of a PAC called the Dinner Table PAC. We work with like minded people in the state at picking candidates to run for local office. It is mostly republican-oriented but have a couple Libertarians in the membership as well.
If you’re lookin to join, I will provide a link for you to join. https://www.thedinnertablepac.com